Nursery Admissions
Coston Primary School Nursery has 25 morning and 25 afternoon nursery places for children 3 to 4 years old.
The morning session is from 8.30 am to 11.30 am.
The afternoon session is from 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm.
Full time session is from 8.30-3.00pm (lunch is from 11.30am-12.00pm)
Children are admitted to the nursery from the age of 3 throughout the year. Children enter the nursery when there are vacancies, but priority is given to families who have siblings in school. The school curriculum starts from the nursery and is continued through the school.
30 Hour Nursery Admission Criteria:
- Looked after children
- Children of staff members
- Siblings of pupils currently on roll at Coston Primary School at time of admission
- Childs Date of Birth (oldest children will be offered a place first)
If you would like to check your eligibility for 30 hours free childcare, please apply using the following link. If you are eligible for funding you will receive a code which you need to include on your application form. Our 30 hour terms and conditions can be found below with details of our criteria and the charges that apply for funded and non-funded places.
If you would like to apply for a nursery place, please complete the form below and return it to the school office, together with proof of date of birth (ie birth certificate of passport).
Please return your completed application form to the school office or via email to
Nursery 30 Hour Terms and Conditions
Nursery 30 hour Parental Consent form
Primary Admissions
The Local Authority is responsible for deciding and administering the In-Year and Reception admissions policy for the school.
Please click on the links below for further information about how to apply for a primary school in Ealing.
Primary School Admissions Prospectus
High School Admissions
Online application guidance for both primary and high school