Coston Primary School

Coston is an inclusive and safe learning community that inspires us to achieve standards of excellence in all we think, say and do.

Design and Technology


Through Design Technology lessons at Coston, children are encouraged to explore, design, make and evaluate the creation of a variety of products that solve real and relevant problems within a number of contexts which engage and inspire our pupils. Exciting, engaging and purposeful design briefs provide them with the chance to explore all areas of the Design and Technology National Curriculum such as materials and construction, textiles, cooking and nutrition, electrical systems.

In our Design Technology lessons, children will investigate and evaluate existing products, thinking about their function, target audience, design and appearance. Then, using a range of skills and processes, our pupils learn to design their own products.

Here at Coston, we develop our children with the following essential characteristics to help them become enthusiastic designers:

  • To have a substantial level of creativity and the willingness to take creative risks which produce innovative ideas and prototypes;
  • The ability to apply mathematical knowledge to the context we are studying;
  • The ability to manage risks well in order to manufacture products safely and hygienically;
  • The ability to act as responsible designers and makers using a range of materials carefully and working safely with the resources provided;
  • To have the ability to carry out detailed research, show creativity and use their own inquires to develop a detailed knowledge of users’ needs and facilitate for them;
  • Have detailed knowledge of which tools, equipment and materials to use to make their products.

DT Long Term Plan