PE & Sport Grant
Part of the Government’s legacy to the successful 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London was the new funding arrangement to help improve physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. The Government provides additional funding each academic year to provide new, substantial, primary school sport funding in order to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to schools to be spent on improving the quality of sport and Physical Education (PE) for all their children. All state-maintained schools, academies, middle schools, special schools and pupil referral units which have primary aged pupils receive this funding.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore schools must spend the funding to improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. We are free to choose the best way of using the money, but are held accountable for how we use the additional funding to support pupils’ progress and participation in PE and school sport and are required to publish on-line information about how we have used the funding.
At Coston we recognise the enormous benefits that PE has on the health and well-being of our children. High quality PE provision not only improves the health and fitness levels of children, it also educates them about the importance of healthy lifestyles as a life- long habit. In addition research provides strong evidence that regular sport has a positive influence on the concentration levels, attitudes and academic achievement.
Our objectives at Coston Primary School:
To promote high quality physical education and physical activity opportunities for the children;
To ensure the children have the opportunity to experience a range of sports and physical activities;
To promote the Healthy School agenda to all children;
To ensure children have appropriate and good quality equipment to participate in a range of sports;
To improve the range of extra-curricular sports activities available for the children.
Please click on this link for 2023/3034 report on PE and Sport Premium